Denominación Social: CIMKEY S.L
Nombre Comercial: EQGEST
CIF: B60475571
Teléfono: +34934881887
Nombre de dominio:
The personal data that we obtain when you visit our website are processed in agreement with official provisions on data protection in the country where the data controller is located. Similarly, our privacy policy is governed by the code of conduct in force in Spain.
In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection (LOPD) and its implementing regulation, the entity responsible for the website in compliance with the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the LOPD, informs all users who submit or will submit their personal data that it will be added to an automated file that has been duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
As a user, by ticking the box, you expressly, freely and unequivocally accept that your personal data may be processed by the provider for the following purposes: Sending commercial advertising communications by email, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that make commercial communications possible. This marketing correspondence will be related to the products or services offered by the provider or by partners with whom we have a promotional agreement involving their customers. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data. Marketing correspondence will always be sent by the provider and involve products and services linked to the sector in which the provider operates.
To conduct statistical studies
To process orders, enquiries or any type of request made by the user via any of the contact forms available on the company website.
To send the newsletter of the website
The provider expressly informs users and guarantees that their personal data will not be provided to third parties under any circumstances, and if any type of transfer of personal data were to take place, the owners will be asked for their express, informed, and unequivocal consent. All data requested through the website are mandatory because they are needed to provide users with optimal service. If all data is not provided, the provider cannot guarantee that the information and services provided will be completely suited to your needs. The provider guarantees to users the option of exercising their rights to access, modify, cancel, report, and oppose their data in accordance with the terms specified by the legislation in force. To this end, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection (LOPD), you can exercise your rights by sending a request to CIMKEY S.L. In addition, the provider confirms that it has implemented all the necessary technical and organisational measures so as to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal information it handles, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration, and/or access by unauthorised third parties. This website is informative in character and the user is solely liable for how it is used. All information provided by CIMKEY S.L. on the website is offered exclusively for information purposes without any type of explicit or implicit guarantees. CIMKEY S.L. shall therefore not be liable for errors or omissions that may exist in the information provided, nor in the specific way that is applied or used. EQGEST’s website may include websites to other suppliers, which are exempt from this privacy policy.
The provider on its own behalf, or a third-party contractor hired to provide measurement services, may use cookies when a user browses the website.
Cookies are files sent to the browser through a web server to track user activity on a particular website during their browsing time.
The cookies used by the website are solely associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not provide personal user data.
Through the use of use cookies, the server that houses the website can recognise the browser used by the user to make browsing easier, enabling, for example, the access of users who have previously registered for areas, services, promotions or competitions exclusively reserved for them without having to register on every visit. They are also used to measure the audience and traffic parameters and to monitor the progress and number of entries. The user has the option to configure their browser to be alerted about the receipt of cookies and in order to prevent their installation on their computer. Please consult your browser’s instructions and manuals for further information. In order to use the website, users do not have to allow cookies sent by the website or the third party acting on their behalf, to be installed without prejudice to Users needing to log in as such for each of the services requiring an account or log in. The cookies used are, in any case, temporary in nature and have the sole purpose of making subsequent transmission more efficient. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal data. IP
The website’s servers can automatically detect users’ IP addresses and the domain name they are using. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All of this information is saved in a duly registered server activity file that enables subsequent data processing for the purpose of obtaining statistics that allow the number of pages printed, the number of visits made to the web servers, the order of visits, the point of access, etc.
The website uses information security techniques that are generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms – all with the aim of preventing unauthorised access to data. In order to fulfil these aims, the user/client accepts the provider obtaining data for the purpose of the corresponding authentication of the access controls. Any contracting process or process that requires highly sensitive personal data (health, ideology, etc.) will always be sent via a secure communication protocol (https://) preventing third parties from accessing the data sent electronically.
EQGEST is the holder of all rights on the textual and graphic content included on CIMKEY S.L.’s website, being subject to Copyright and protected by the intellectual property law. All these designs and/or content may not be validly and legitimately copied or distributed for commercial use, nor may they be modified or inserted on other websites. CIMKEY S.L.’s website may also include images whose Copyright belongs to third parties.